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Lectures and other events

 2024-2025 major events

Unless otherwise stated, CCHS events are FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC and take place in HARRIS HALL 108 (Leopold Room), 1881 Sheridan Rd., Evanston campus.  For LUNCH LECTURES, a catered lunch starts at noon, the lecture about 12:30 p.m.

FALL 2024


Melissa MACAULEY (Northwestern University), author of Distant Shores: Colonial Encounters on China’s Maritime Frontier (2021)—Thursday, September 26, 2023—LUNCH LECTURE: “The Politics of Commemoration in Post-Mao China”

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In collaboration with the Holocaust Educational Foundation of Northwestern (HEFNU)

Wolf GRUNER (University of Southern California), author of Resisters. How Ordinary Jews fought Persecution in Hitler’s Germany (2023)—Tuesday, October 1 at 5 p.m. (reception to follow): “Resisters. How Ordinary Jews Fought Persecution in Hitler's Germany”

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kyle HARPER (University of Oklahoma), author of Plagues upon the Earth: Disease and the Course of Human History (2021)—Tuesday, October 8 LUNCH LECTURE on “History and the Sciences, History as Science”

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Talitha LeFLOURIA (University of Texas at Austin), author of Chained in Silence: Black Women and Convict Labor in the New South (2015)—Tuesday, November 19 LUNCH LECTURE: "Overpunished, Overpoliced, and Unprotected: A 150-year Exploration of Black Women and Mass Incarceration in America"



Michelle McKINLEY (University of Oregon), author of Fractional Freedoms: Slavery, Intimacy and Legal Mobilization in Colonial Lima, 1600-1700 (2016).—Thursday, February 20, 2025 LUNCH LECTURE on "Financing Freedom: Self-purchase and Re-enslavement in the Seventeeth-Century Empire"

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Joint CCHS/CAAH Distinguished lecture on Black History

Robin D. G. KELLEY (UCLA), author of Africa Speaks, America Answers: Modern Jazz in Revolutionary Times (2012)—February 27 at 4 p.m. (reception to follow): “The Responsibility of Black Studies in the Face of Genocide and Fascism”



Faculty CONFERENCE convened by Professors Jonathan BRACK, Sean HANRETTA, and Akinwumi OGUNDIRAN on “Caring for the Dead: Ancestor Veneration, Religious Encounters, and the State in the Mongol Empire and Africa—Friday and Saturday, April 4-5

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Serhii PLOKHII (Harvard), author of The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine (2015) and The Last Empire: The Final Days of the Soviet Union (2015)—Thursday, April 10 LUNCH LECTURE

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gray Boyce Memorial Lecture in Medieval History (CCHS/History)

Jamie KREINER (UCLA), author of The Wandering Mind: What Medieval Monks Tell Us About Distraction (2023)—Thursday, April 24 at 4:30 p.m. (reception to follow): “How to Deal with Distraction: Early Medieval Monks and the Modern Quest for Cognitive History”

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Faculty CONFERENCE convened by Professor Susan PEARSON on “Paper People: Documentation, Identity, and Citizenship in U.S. History”—Friday and Saturday, May 2-3.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matthew SOMMER (Stanford University), author of The Fox Spirit, the Stone Maiden, and Other Transgender Histories from Late Imperial China (2024)—Thursday, May 8 LUNCH LECTURE

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------History of the Book Lecture (CCHS/University Libraries)

Corinna ZELTSMAN (Princeton), author of Ink Under the Fingernails: Printing Politics in Nineteenth-Century Mexico (2021)—Wednesday, May 14 at 4:30 p.m. (reception to follow): “Mexico’s Workers of Thought: Rethinking Political Culture & Press Freedom through Printing”


2023-24 major events

FALL 2023



Faculty 2024 faculty conference


FALL 2022





Unless otherwise stated, CCHS events are FREE, open to the PUBLIC, and take place in HARRIS HALL 108 (the Leopold Room), 1881 Sheridan Rd., Evanston campus. For lunch lectures, light catered lunch starts at 12 noon, the lecture about 12:30 p.m. We LIVESTREAM (via ZOOM)  the lectures for those who cannot attend in person. If you wish to watch the livestream, please register at

FALL 2021



We LIVESTREAM (via ZOOM)  the lectures for those who cannot attend in person.