2009-2010 Global Exchanges
CHS International Doctoral Workshop on GLOBAL HISTORY--in collaboration with Cambridge University--in Cambridge, England
October 23-24, 2009---"The Impact of Global History on the Profession"
Participants selected to go to Cambridge:
- Genevieve CARLTON--"A Fifteenth-Century Global History";
- William CAVERT--"Toward the Fossil-Fueled City: Coal, Smoke, and Society in London 1550-1750";
- Darcy HEURING--"Reconciling the Global and the Local: Modern Colonial Jamaica in Global Perspective";
- Meghan ROBERTS--Thinking Globally But Writing Locally: Studying the French Enlightenment in the Age of Global History";
- Strother ROBERTS--"The Transnational 'Eskimo': A Case Study in Globalizing the Study of Race."

CHS International Doctoral workshop on VIOLENCE AND EMPIRE
—in collaboration with Trinity College Dublin—at NU in Evanston (May 4-7, 2010)
The second international workshop took place in EVANSTON. The event was co-hosted by Professor Jane Ohlmeyer of Trinity College Dublin, a leading scholar of the Early Modern period who has done extensive research on the Irish rebellion of 1641, and who also gave a formal CHS lunch lecture on May 6. Professor Ohlmeyer brought eight of Trinity's best graduate students to Northwestern University to discuss Violence and Empire.
NU Participants:
- Stefanie BATOR, "Violence , Benevolence, and U.S. Imperialism in the Philippines 1914-1946"
- Neal T. DUGREE, "Miantonomi's Death Sentence and the Violent Roots of New England Identity"
- Ashley JOHNSON, "The Voice of the Church: American Catholic Identity and Wars with Spain, 1898-1936"
- Theresa KEELEY, "Reagan's Catholic Empire: The U.S. in Central America"
- Azeta KOLA, "Between Venice and the Ottomans: Littoral Albanian Cities under the Venetian Empire"
- Michael MARTOCCIO, "Failed Empires or Failed States? Using Revolt to Decode Empire Building and State Formations in the Early modern Mediterranean"
- Ian SAXINE, "Abandoned by Empire: Vigilante Capitalism and Violence in Maine, 1713-1763"
- Rachel Heeter SMITH, "Making Their Voices Heard: Irish Retributive Violence and Creating Space in the 18th Century" (joining us from U of Illinois, Urbana Champaign)
Irish participants:
- Sean BRADY, "The Sicilian Province of Catania between imperial gateway and internal enemy, 1911-1915"
- Stephen CARROLL, "Martial law, property rights and the British colonial experience (in Ireland)"
- Sarah Ann FRANK, Colonial prisoners of war and Vichy France: experiences and policies 1939-42
- Caitlin HIGGINS NI CHINNEIDE, "Violence and empire under the commonwealth and protectorate regimes 1649-1660"
- Tomas IRISH, "Empires of knowledge? Germany, France and the academic scramble for America, 1905-1929"
- Lean NI CHLEIRIGH, "Diverging attitudes towards the Byzantine Emperor and his subjects in two Latin chronicles of the First Crusade"
- Sean O ’REILLY, "Lord Clare, the politics of fear and Irelands imperial identity"
- Maeve RYAN, "Perfectly demoralising?: the British empire and the trade in alcohol and firearms to Africa in the nineteenth century"
- Daniel STEINBACH, "The European civilizing mission and the First World War in East Africa"