Postdoctoral Fellowship Application
CHABRAJA Postdoctoral fellowships
Each year in the early Spring the Chabraja Center for Historical Studies announces the Call for Applications for its postdoctoral fellowships, which offer one year’s support (from the beginning of September to the end of next August) to Ph.D. graduates of the Northwestern History Department to help them advance their research and publication agenda and gain additional professional experience
For 2025-26 the Chabraja postdoctoral fellowships are open to Northwestern historians who have received or expect to receive their
Deadline for both types of postdoc fellowships is Tuesday, APRIL 22, 2025.
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowships
The Chabraja Center for Historical Studies is happy to announce the Call for Applications for two postdoctoral fellowships, which offer one year’s support to Ph.D. graduates of the Northwestern History Department to help them advance their research and publication agenda and gain additional teaching experience.The Chabraja Teaching Postdoctoral Fellowships are for one year, from September 1, 2024 to the end of August 2025. They are open to recent Northwestern History PhDs. Applicants can be in any History field and must have an August 2025 doctoral graduation at the latest. Competition for these fellowships is open to graduates who have received or expect to receive their PhD in 2023, 2024 or 2025 and do not have ongoing employment. Recipients will be selected by a committee of History faculty from Northwestern and a peer institution.
Fellowship awardees will receive a stipend of $61,008 plus benefits, and a $3,000 research budget. They will be expected to participate in all Chabraja Center events, may have light duties connected to CCHS and will teach one course for the History Department. They are expected to be in residence for the full academic year.
Questions may be directed to CCHS Director Amy Stanley:
Applications for these fellowships are due by Wednesday, APRIL 23, 2025 at 4 p.m. Please submit the following to CCHS Asst. Director Elzbieta Foeller-Pituch ( in the form of a zipped folder labeled LAST NAME: Teaching postdoc application.
- A cover letter outlining your research and teaching interests
- A current curriculum vitae
- One article or chapter-length writing sample
- The syllabus of a course you have taught or would like to teach
- Teaching evaluations
- In addition, please have two recommenders send letters to Elzbieta by the deadline.
You will receive email confirmation of the receipt of your application. Applicants will be notified by mid-May.
Postdoctoral Fellowships in Public Service/History
The Chabraja Center for Historical Studies announces the call for applications for one-year post-doctoral fellowships aimed at career diversification. We invite graduate students to compete for postdoctoral fellowships centered on a yearlong full-time internship or project with a non-profit organization such as an archive, library, museum, theatre, foundation, or other public-interest institution where they can apply the skills they have developed as a history PhD. The purpose of the fellowship is to help students who have an interest in careers outside of the academy identify and gain professional experience in the area of their choice while enhancing CCHS outreach. Preference will be given to applications that propose work with a public-interest institution in the Chicago region.
The fellowship is open to recent Northwestern History PhDs. Applicants can be in any History field and must have an August 2025 doctoral graduation at the latest. Competition for these fellowships is open to graduates who have received or expect to receive their PhD in 2023, 2024 or 2025 and do not have ongoing employment.
The fellowship is fully funded by CCHS for one year, usually starting in September ($61,008 plus benefits). Recipients will be selected by a committee of Northwestern History faculty.
Applicants should themselves identify and make contact with institutions where they are interested in working and arrange for a position and an on-site mentor or supervisor who will be the contact person for CCHS. The CCHS Director or another appropriate Northwestern faculty member will serve as faculty mentor. Both the postdoctoral fellow and their on-site mentor(s) will provide quarterly activity reports, and at the end of their tenure a fuller account of accomplishments over the course of the fellowship year.
The Center may also announce concrete opportunities at partner institutions.
Candidates should provide
- a proposal of up to four double-spaced pages specifying their plans of the fellowship, their motivation, and their previous experience and qualifications if any;
- a current CV;
- a letter of support from a prospective mentor/supervisor at the institution of their choice (if applicable);
- a letter of recommendation from their thesis director or other appropriate Northwestern faculty member, indicating agreement to serve as their Northwestern mentor for the fellowship.
Successful candidates will be expected to provide mentorship to Northwestern History PhDs who wish to pursue careers outside of universities.
Please submit your application to CCHS Asst. Director Elzbieta Foeller-Pituch,, by Tuesday, APRIL 22 at 4 p.m. You should get an email acknowledgement once your application is received.