2011-2012 Global Exchange
in Prague, Czech Republic (September 12-14, 2011), in collaboration with graduate students and faculty of Charles University and the Institute for Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
in Prague, Czech Republic (September 12-14, 2011), in collaboration with graduate students and faculty of Charles University and the Institute for Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
NU participants: Prof. Benjamin FROMMER with
- Fernando CARBAJAL, “We Are Losing: Martin Dies’s Memoirs and Right-Wing Memory during the Era of Conservative Ascendancy and Today”
- Jason RALPH, “Memory and Embodiment in the Late Medieval Universities”
- Karin STEINBRUECK, “Heroes and Victims: Remembering War in Twentieth- Century Romania"
- Emilie TAKAYAMA, “Remembering Hwang Jang-Yop in South Korea”

“VIOLENCE AND SOCIAL CHANGE" in conjuction with Trinity College Dublin in Dublin, Ireland (Oct. 26-27, 2011)

NU participants:
- Alexander GOURSE, "Disorder, Law, and Social Change in California's Agricultural Sector, 1965-1985"
- D’Weston HAYWOOD, "'A Challenge to Our Manhood': Robert F. Williams,Black Masculinity, and the Democratic Power of Self-Defense in the Black Freedom Struggle"
- Jesse NASTA, "Free Blacks and Anxious Masters: Racial Violence and Legal Repression on the Antebellum Mississippi River"
- Ian SAXINE, "Enforcing the Peace: Native Americans as Agrarian Land Rioters in Eighteenth-Century Maine"
“Agency, Allegiance, and Resistance”
in conjuction with the American Academy in Rome, under the auspices of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Distinguished Achievement Award
in conjuction with the American Academy in Rome, under the auspices of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Distinguished Achievement Award
ROME, Italy, week of May 1-5, 2012
Participants:- Beth HEALEY—‘Ordinary Germans under Soviet occupation post-World War II”
- Donald F. JOHNSON—“Occupied America: Resistance and Collaboration in Revolutionary Charleston, South Carolina”
- Michael MARTOCCIO—“ Making and Unmaking the State: Resistance in the Capitoli of Early Modern Florence"
- Julia MIGLETS—“When the Saint Goes Marching In: Resistance and Religion in Medieval Italy”
with professors Edward Muir and T.H. Breen.