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CCHS Teaching Initiative

CCHS Teaching Initiative for Course Development

This initiative allows History faculty to develop and teach new broad-ranging thematic or transnational history courses, preferably at the 200 level, with significant potential appeal to undergraduates across the university. Faculty are assisted in designing the course by a History graduate student, who also co-teaches it.

2024-25 classes

Prof. Caitlin FITZ with Hannah Reynolds, teaching a course on “A Global History of Women’s Sports” (Winter 2025)

Prof. Helen TILLEY with Morgan Barry, teaching a course on “Global Legal History” (Winter 2025)

2023-24 classes

Professor Deborah COHEN—"Entrepreneurship: A Global History" (Fall 2023) with John BRANCH

Professor Michael ALLEN—"America's Wars" (Spring 2024) with Cole CARTER

The first course developed through this CCHS initiative was Scott Sowerby’s “Pirates, Guns, and Empires” (Spring 2019, developed and taught with graduate student Youjia Li), while for winter 2020 Dyan Elliot presciently chose the topic of “The Black Death and Other Pandemics” (with Marcos Leitão De Almeida). In 2020-21 Prof. Paul Gillingham and Andrea Rosengarten offered a  Winter 2021 course on "The End of Citizenship." In 2021-22 Prof. Benjamin Frommer and grad Katya Maslakowski developed a course on “A Global History of Prisons and Camps” for Spring Quarter 2022 (and Professor Frommer was promoted to the Associated Student Government Honor Roll for this course). In 2022-23 Prof. Ken Alder and graduate student Colin Bos developed a Spring 2023 course on "The History of the Future."